My Crazy Plan

My crazy plan to find proof that my consciousness will live on after I die.

When I sat down to decide what experiences I wanted to have, I suddenly felt like a kid in a lolly shop. However I soon realised I actually couldn’t have the experiences that would be give me absolute confirmation I needed. I had to rule out actually death itself (as there was no coming back to write a book about that one), I ruled out having a Near Death Experience as it could be too painful (and I hate pain)  and there’s already hundreds of books on that subject and I also ruled out sitting in a cave mediating for 12 years as my publisher wouldn’t be too impressed.

But there were plenty of other ways I realised and settled on the following:

  • Go behind the closed doors of a Funeral Home and crematorium.

My theory is that the venerated people who tend to the newly deceased and those who work behind the black curtain surely must know something and who wouldn’t want the chance to see what goes on behind the ‘black curtain’ in a crematorium?

  • Get all happy at a Spiritualist Church.

The unique aspect of these ‘churches’ is they’re not religious based and the main feature of the service is a reading by a guest medium to the congregation to provide evidence that loved ones do live on... and they sing happy songs!

  • Scare the bejesus out of myself on a Ghost Hunt.

The idea of a  ghost hunt I find is more exhilarating that jumping out of a plane (not that I’ve done that) and it probably stems from my experiences as a young boy which you’ll read in the chapter 4.

  • See the dead move things at a Physical Mediumship demonstration

Unlike normal mediumship, where the person seems to communicate through thought with someone on the other side, with Physical Mediumship, spirits are said to be able manipulate physical objects, even voices can be heard during a séance. Now if that doesn’t give me the proof I need (and scare me witless), I’ll eat my tweed hat!

  • Have readings done by several Mediums (well known and not so well known)

It would be interesting to see who comes through for a chat and if can correlate any information between the different mediums and would Auntie Clare come through with any messages and indication that she’s still around?

  • Participate in a group meditation class / psychic circle.

I’ve heard that these particular groups can contact spirits and via device called a ‘Transfiguation box’ even take on the appearance of the spirits. That’s going to be creepy!

  • Get hypnotized for a Past Life Regression by a qualified hypnotherapist.

Many religions including Buddhism, Hinduism and including early Christianity along with New Age thought and modern hypnotherapy practises, claim that we all reincarnate into different lives over and over. If that’s true, then I should be able to find out something about my past lives.

  • Attempt altered states of consciousness including Out of Body Experiences and Astral Travel (not LSD or other mind altering substances) which will also includes a course at The Monroe Institute.

Over hundreds of years people have claimed to ‘leave their body’ and look down on themselves sleeping or travel to different dimensions which has left them without a fear of dying as they know they are ‘more than their physical body’. I don’t know how hard it is to do, but I’m definitely going to give it a red hot go.

  • Attempt Afterlife Communication through meditation to see if I can personally contact a deceased person and verify the evidence.

This could be the gamechanger, if I can personally communicate with someone dead and verify the information, then I know there’s more to this story than meets the eye.  This might be my chance to talk directly to Auntie Clare and if so that would be incredible.

The most important things to have when undertaking a journey like this is to have an open mind, a bucket load of curiosity, a good bullshit detector along with a mild distain for authority otherwise you’ll end up believing any old story dished out by a dodgy medium, narrow minded religious people and cheese cloth wearing vegans called ‘Angel Spirit Moondance Rainbow Dawn’. I need to trust in my own intuition and allow the journey to unfold naturally.

This certainly isn't not a scientific study, research paper or dry and boring essay, it’s merely my own personal account of a journey to find the out the answer to the question “is there life after death?” So it’s all subjective and nothing is going to clear cut and dried, however it’s going to be very interesting and possibly life changing.  



  1. Josh,

    I'm looking forward to your book to discover what happened for you with your:

    "Attempt Afterlife Communication through meditation to see if I can personally contact a deceased person and verify the evidence."

    Since 1999 I've been teaching two day workshops in which the majority of participants routinely succeed, through their own direct experience, in the final exercise of the workshop. And you are right, it's a "game changer."


    1. Hi Bruce.

      yes, it was a very, very interesting experience. Would I be right it guessing you might be Bruce Moen? because it was the book, Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook that I refer to constantly. Could you email me personally at I'd love to chat.

