Sunday, September 14, 2014

Half way through.

Half way through – day 15.

I don’t feel any different except for a bigger sense of curiosity and strong desire to wear a Kaftan. There is definitely something happening, but I feel it’s more subtle than I first thought.
People who I regularly have contact with wouldn’t notice any change, but I feel there’s a subtle shift on the inside and at times it leaks out. I was thinking this experiment would make me happier or somehow a better person, but I feel it’s taking me on a deeper journey. A journey into myself where I’m discovering things I never know about myself and the workings of the universe.
The first week I spent on a buzzing high, the second I crashed and burned full of doubt, frustration and anger and now this week its shaping up to be completely different. There’s a sense of  ‘ok, what’s going to happen next?’ Mild anticipation. But I’m trying to stay within myself and keep the mind chatter to a dull roar and focus on what I want to do and be neutral about the stuff if don’t.
I’ve just had an invitation to present at Paracon 2015.  Yes!

It's spring and the garden is blooming with flowers of all kinds, marvellous scents and there's a joyness in the air that almost brings me to tears. I'm revelling in the simple pleasures.

I feel less inclined to describe things and more like just sitting with them if you know what I mean. (or it could mean that I still feel half asleep!)

I'll share more with you soon.

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